Got my number 1 today! ( UG should know what it is. It the white uniform you see people wear in NDP)
It was a tiring day. We had to find our uniform size from an array of uniforms and we had to get alot of stuff. I found my shirt easily.BUT, the real killer is the pants. I LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR A SIZE 35 ONE.
yes, im fat.But thats over now. I showed some coin magic to my ncc cadets in the bus, retention vanish and muscle pass. My muscle pass is doing better. im able to get the coin to 2 -3 cm. if im lucky i can go up to 6 cm. XD Im going to train somemore and get it much more higher.
Riddles XD
Im a little teapot, short and stout.
XD jkjk XD
Now the real riddle.
I start with e and end with e.
I usually contain only 1 letter.
But im not the letter e.
what am i?
Have fun guessing XD.
The thought that counts...
at 8:42 PM
Another dinner. At another restaurant. I had chicken, duck and a whole lot of other stuff i can't and too tired to remember. This time was different tho.I know every person that was related to me. So i wasn't that bored. Perform some coin magic for my relatives and everything was quite enjoyable... Sort of.
Brainteaser le. Barely opening my eyes.
lets go with a VERY easy 1
What can be found once in a minute
Twice in a moment
but never in a year, decade or century?
Im... sleepy *YAWNNN*
Have fun XD
The thought that counts...
at 10:48 PM
Today, i went to a restaurant to have dinner. It was a birthday of somebody in my family (which i dunno how to type in english). I found out that i was the ONLY 16+ kid (kid?) there. The others were all strangers to me. As usual, i brought my deck of card to pass the time, Only to be confiscated and she said that the deck would bring me the image of being a gambler... Luckily, i brought my coins too ( or i would seriously DIE of BOREDOMMMM). Anyway, after about 1 hr ( i think) , the food arrived. First dish was prawn with mayonnaise and salmon and other thing, all in one plate. Second was shark fin soup? ( not sure what im eating XD). Third was abalone which i like alot XD. Fourth was fish, Fifth was duck and sea cucumber. Six was a plat of vege and 7 was fried rice and there was desert which consist of bubu chacha and ice cheng tng. XD and cake XD. The best part was... Im still HUNGRY!!!!!!! T.T
And brainteaser again.
There are a twin old man who like to visit a bar. The bartender hates one of them, but the only way he could tell the difference was at their drinking speed. The one that the bartender has no arguement drinks his beer very fast. Whereas the one he hates drinking very very slowly. So, one day, the bartender decides to kill the one he hates. (evil!) So, he put the same amount of drink in their mugs, the same amount of ice and both drink had poison in it. In the end, the bartender plan succeeded and like he planned, the one that he hates die. BUT, the one that he does not hate, lived.
Q: How is it possible that the one he does not hate lived and the one he hates died when he put the same amount of poision in BOTH their mugs?
Have fun thinking, and have a good day
The thought that counts...
at 11:51 PM
My COMPUTER IS BACK!!! NO MORE LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*pant*, sorry for shouting. My long awaited comp is now back after servicing.
I can't believe it. This comp broke down on the same day it came back from servicing. MAN...
but now it is back and i am happier than ever.
And to show my happiness, Two brain teasers. XDXDXDXDXD
1) There was a small town with only two barbers shop in it. They were next to each other. Only 1 barber is running one shop. So we'll call them shop a and shop b. In shop a, the barber in there had a hideous haircut and his shop was very very untidy. Shop b, however, was different. The barber in there had an absolutely brilliant haircut, and his shop was clean and nice.
So, would you rather have your hair cut in shop a or shop b? State your reasons XD
2)You have an infinite supply of water from the tap, 2 jugs. The first jug is 3 litres and the second jug is 5 litres. So, your task is to get exactly 4 litres of water and you cannot estimate. How would you do it? XD
this is a classic XD. Have fun!
The thought that counts...
at 3:22 PM
You Are 2: The Helper

You always put on a happy face and try to help those around you.
You're incredibly empathetic and care about everyone you know.
Able to see the good in others, you're thoughtful, warm, and sincere.
You connect with people who are charming and charismatic.
At Your Best: You are deeply giving, altruistic, and humble. You devote your life to others while caring for yourself too.
At Your Worst: You are manipulative and enjoy making other people guilty.
Your Fixation: Rejection
Your Primary Fear: Being unworthy of love
Your Primary Desire: To be loved unconditionally
Other Number 2's: Mother Teresa, John Travolta, Princess Diana, Dr. Phil, and Mr. Rogers.
Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying

Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.
You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.
You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.
You tend to ground those around you and add stability.
Your Brain's Pattern

Structured and organized, you have a knack for thinking clearly.
You are very logical - and you don't let your thoughts get polluted with emotions.
And while your thoughts are pretty serious, they're anything from boring.
It's minds like yours that have built the great cities of the world!
You Should Learn Japanese

You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko!
What the House Test Says About You

You consider yourself important, but no more important than anyone else. You love attention, but you don't feel like you deserve more of it than anyone else.
You aren't against being community oriented, but it's not really your thing. You tend to prefer to focus on your family and not the neighborhood around you.
You are a playful, charming, and seductive person. People feel instantly close to you.
You look good in a low maintenance sort of way. You do the minimum required to be attractive.
You are moved by your own inner sense of peace. You spend a lot of time reflecting on the meaning of life.
Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas

You can take a spark of inspiration and turn it into a full fledged concept.
You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking.
You should major in:
Natural sciences
Computer science
Creative writing
Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.
Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.
You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it.
You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.
You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.
You Are Pretty Logical

You're a bit of a wizard when it comes to logic
While you don't have perfect logic, you logic is pretty darn good
Keep at it - you've got a lot of natural talent in this area!
You Are a Total Brainiac

You're amazingly brilliant. Some would even say genius.
You're curious, thoughtful, analytical, and confident.
You take on difficult subjects because you want to... not because you have to.
No field of knowledge is too complicated or intimidating for you.
You've got the brains to do anything you want.
It's possible you end up doing everything you want.
Your Birthdate: September 24

You understand people well and are a natural born therapist.
A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around.
You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you.
You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people.
Your strength: Your devotion
Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness
Your power color: Lilac
Your power symbol: Heart
Your power month: June
You Are "Wow"!

Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 56%

You have a decent shot at being a multimillionaire. Surprised?
You're confident and a hard worker. Keep it up!
This are all the quizzes i did in Blogthings.com So FUN!!!! XD
My favorite quiz is 1,4,6,7 XD
And brainteasers XD
This is an unusual paragraph, and i am curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. Nothing is wrong with it though, but it is missing a thing, making it very unusual. Think it through, study it, and although you might not find a thing missing, it is still odd. But if you work at it, you might find out the missing thing. Try doing so without much tutoring XD What is it?
Hint: it is hard not using it at all and it is crucial in alot of words XD
Btw, The hint is also part of the riddle. XDXDXD
The thought that counts...
at 9:46 PM
Today was just another day at school. Chaotic. Had mock spa 3.
But, I had NCC today. and it started at 4.30 (P.S. Class ended at 12.15pm, 4hrs of slacking)
at 12.15, i went to santosh (it is a place in the hdb block, block 156 in taman jurong. 4th floor. first door on the left. A indian man sells fried food and soft drinks in his own home. So nice, cheap too)
I when with allah to santosh and i had a chicken burger + a 7-up for 3.50 (cheap, considering the price hike). I taught allah how to play a game called stress. And i won him 3 times and he won me 1 time. then we got bored and played 26 cards taidee XD ( 3 twos, a full house of Aces, 10 and 6 and a 4 of a kind of 5 quickly scored me a win XDXD)
At about 2.30, i went back school. And slacked in the NCC room. There, i met Haiqal. My senior in NCC. I took out a pack of cards and he said to showed him some magic, cause he was bored. And i did. He was amazed. XD
We then went to the canteen to eat something (yes, i was still hungry). Then a few of my juniors came and haiqal began to share his experience with us. So fun
Then training began and it was tough. Fun at times but tough. Legs hurt now.XD
And that was my day today. OH yea, 30th of june i have a early leave at 12. XD go HQ collect my no.1 uniform (the white suit in the NDP)
And its NCC day on the 1st of july, and i have to wear my NCC uniform all day. Worst, i have Chinese oral in the afternoon and i need change...
And to conclude this long post, A Challenging problem XDXDXDXDXDXD
A detective was asked on a sunday to handle a murder case which happened on the same day in britian.
The detective made a list of five suspects(like all detectives do)
The Suspects were: The maid, The wife, The gardener, The cook and The butler.
And each of them gave an allibi
The Maid:I was taking the post when the murder happened
The Cook: I was preparing the master's favourite food, I was the one who discovered the body
The Gardener: I was trimming the flower outside the house
The Wife: I was watching television when the Cook came down and inform me that my husband was dead *weep*
The Butler:I was cleaning the wife bedroom and when i opened the door to leave, i saw the cook leaving the room, and the master was dead
Detective heard all of this allibi. The police chief then asked the detective for the forensic team to search for fingerprints, but the detective said no." Theres no need, i know who did it"
Q: Who did it? How did the detective know?
Have fun XD
The thought that counts...
at 8:52 PM
anyway, This post is to inform you that i will be posting a riddle, puzzle, brainsteaser in every of my post, And to keep to my words, heres the first riddle
Im in front of everything.
The start of eternity,
The end of time and space
And in everywhere and everyplace
What am i? XD
The thought that counts...
at 8:40 PM
Today was just a normal day. Woke up for school. Played abit of comp in the morning, from 6.30 - 6.45. Then dress up for school and then report to school.
In school, not much happen. Assembly in the morning, EL right after, then A-maths right after. recess, blah blah blah.
I brought a ticket for the musical. which is at 11 july, 7.30pm. Paid $20 for it through edusave and another $10 in cash. And the best part!
I Do not even know what it is ABOUT!!! XDXDXDXD
Anyway. Today has been abit boring. I nearly fell asleep in class twice. The Most exciting part today was actually sitting in the ava room and doing a-math ( I am a MATHS FREAK! lol. Maths freak sound like mindfreak, lame joke i know...) . Another good part was my friends, Alan (aka ala, alun, allah, a lan) and Kenneth (aka neth, nerf, My ncc buddy, htennek) cracked jokes and made me laughed. Otherwise its quite a boring day. XD
a final task. find the Hidden messAge in this message, for the Very sakE oF my entertainment and pleasUre ( dun think dirty) . Now, can you find it? :) if you think you can, post a comment XD
The thought that counts...
at 11:23 PM
Hello, everyone. *crickets*
*ahem* Anyway, Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it. Its not much tho but more things will be add soon. Have fun!
The thought that counts...
at 11:01 PM