Monday, December 29, 2008
This survey is created by someone. XDDD
AKA five.twelve.nine.twenty five.twenty
1)Whats the best thing that has ever happened to you?
-one day, i top the class in e-maths, a-math and physic on the same day.
-First successful coin routine presentation
- MC and EU
- birthday party/picnic
-genting trip
-being introduced into magic
The list could go on forever, so to sum it up, The best thing that has ever happened to me was me being able to be alive. XD
2)What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
-During Primary six, I was in a camp. The teacher was finding a Male and Female role to sing and i got chosen. When i went up on stage, I got stage fright and couldn't utter a single word, much less sing. The teacher was laughing and embarrassed by me. Hahahaha XD
3)Do you have a line or word you practically own?
-Of course. I use it every time. It's "Stay Happy, ALWAYS DANGABIT XDDDDDD" If you haven't guessed.
4)If your life was a movie, what would be the title and why?
-The choices. I think my life revolves around the choices i make. I dunno where i would be if i didn't choose Jurong secondary school, If i didn't choose my subject combination, If I didn't go to MC and EU, If i didn't take up magic as a hobby... And the list goes on. So, I think the choices are appropriate. XD
5)If you life was a song, what genre would it be of and why?
-Alternative. It kinda depends on my mood. If i happy, Pop. If im angry, Screamo. If i'm just relaxing, calming song. If i want to be more active, Metal, Rock.
6)Do you think your life is perfect?
-Yes and no. Its not absolutely perfect. But its perfect the way it is. : )
7)What is perfect to you, anyways?
-Is being the happiest you can be. Being able to have no worries. XD
8)Who is/are your Idol(s) or role model(s) and why?
- Dai vernon. Father of sleight of hands.
- Shoot Ogawa. He and a few person relighted me back into coin magic. To show me that coin magic is not dead.
-David Stone. Read above : )
-Thaddeus. Happy go lucky and full of wisdom XDDD
-David roth. Coin specialist. relighted me back into coin magic.
-Albert Einstein. Physicist.
Thats all, for now. Maybe next time my role model list will grow. XDDDDD
So, that the end of this short survey. XDDD If anyone wants to do it, Feel free to XD
and, of course, not to forget...
The thought that counts...
at 10:55 PM