Today, i went to my cousin house after visiting my grandmother who pass away, at the early age of 60+... I miss her T.T........
I played some computer games in his house and used youtube. I remember don ( my haven't introduced freind, aka udon, donny, don-chan) Showed my a video called deathbob notepants. XD So i watch it again, And found this
So then nurul came on msn and i show it to her, And she like it. I then watch another one called overdose XD.
So i thought L expression when he said yay was very cute. Nurul thought that L expression when he asked WHO IS KIRA is very cute. So i said i would mimic it, scan and send to her via msn. Then she wanted to draw another character to give me. (you take something, you give something XD)
So i went home afterward and when i got home, she already drew 1 scene in the videos
So i went ahead and drew wad i said i would draw too. And here it is.... XD
This are the pictures i drew. XD the yay one is currently in my wallet XDDDDD. I like it XDDDD L WOOT!
So now for some brainteaser which i think L would solve in 1 second XDDDD.